  A Reflection by Chemistry Teacher
I teach chemistry in class nine and the lesson on “sub atomic particles and isotopes” was taught infusing Universal Design Learning (UDL) principles. The setting of the lesson was in ICT laboratory with...
Reflection on Physics Module ‘Force and Motion’
I have been teaching the topic “force and motion” for the last 17 years. Some of the concepts in this topic are difficult for our students to understand.  If the teacher is not well versed in the...
Open Educational Resources (OER) for learning science and mathematics
Higher education institutions across the globe were gradually shifting from textbooks to online resources in the late 19th century. These designed online resources are called open educational resources...
My Experiences from the CL4STEM First Biology Module
I am fortunate enough to be chosen as one of the research participants for CL4STEM project which is piloted in three countries: Bhutan, Nigeria and Tanzania to bring research-based innovations for professional...
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